Searching For Better Treatments For Irritated Tendons

“The most effective natural method for treating tendinosis is to stop the repetitive action that causes the injury in order to let the area heal,” says surgeon and cell biologist Rowena McBeath, MD, PhD, at the Philadelphia Hand to Shoulder Center at Jefferson Health, who led the study. “But stopping an activity that people depend on for income can be quite difficult. Patients often get worse and ultimately require surgery and even lengthier recovery periods.” Read more “Searching For Better Treatments For Irritated Tendons”

Reducing Your Risk for Finger, Hand, and Wrist Injuries in Sports

As a complex mechanical system of tendons, ligaments, nerves, and muscles attached to 27 bones, the hand is one of the most complex parts of your body. Your hands allow you to do a wide variety of tasks that involve strength and dexterity, including sports-related skills like swinging a bat and throwing a ball.

Read more “Reducing Your Risk for Finger, Hand, and Wrist Injuries in Sports”

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